Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sunnies For Sale!!

21 things I love...

1. Sunrise and sunset. 

2. Music, the sound of guitar strings and piano keys mixed together with a superb voice.

3. Family and Friends. 

4. God.

5. Disney Classics. We learn from these. There's so much GMRC in all of the movies.

6. the rain... because nobody can see me cry? f~ that. There's something nice about the rain. I don't know. It soothes me.

7. Long bus rides with friends while singing and the wind blowing on our faces.

8. Beach. Night sky on beaches. is one-of-a-kind.

9. Coffee with friends.

10. KFC and Mcdo moments with friends. This is where genius plans are made.


12. Writing. Reading. Surfing.

13. Conversations with kids. They give the best ideas. EVER!

14. 4:00pm & 4:00am. Go out. Look up! It's amazing.

15. When people say thank you and smiles back at you.

16. The smell of gas, grass and scented candles.

17. Remembering my childhood craziness and laugh about it.

18. Flowers, chocolates and fluffy alien stuffed toys.

19. Hanging out with boys/boy buds/girl buds. Simply ... just hanging out.


21. Myself.